Author Archives: camilabeiraodosreis

Spyros Manesis Trio in Greece!

Spyros in Greece

Here we are at Portokali, the sweetest place in Zakyntosh, ready to see Spyros Manesis Trio performing!

Feel free to follow us on Facebook.

A small ocean for you!

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A drawing I made for little J.’s room. He was born a couple of months ago – he is pisces – so I draw him a very colorful ocean!

Video projection for the concert Desidério Lázaro – Festa do Jazz 2015

FESTA DO JAZZ 2015_Desiderio Lazaro (c)Kelly Maiolle_1541

The concert “Subtrative Colors”, by Desidério Lázaro was presented on March 29, at Festa do Jazz 2015 – São Luiz Theatre in Lisbon. We had the pleasure to perform also the video projection specially designed for the project. The video – which includes stop animation and edited video clips – works not only as a story tailer but also as a visual scenery that involves the musicians and the music that is being played.

We hope we could share an excerpt of a live video recording soon.

Rui Eduardo Paes published his (PT) review of the festival and this particular concert here:

Photo©Kelly Maiolle.

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A little farm!

A commissioned drawing I made to hang in a room of a two year old. I know that A. loves animals and so I made him a farm which I hope he will continue to love.

(Indian Ink and Ecoline; 30x40cm)

Quadro dos Animais

A little farm!

Spyros Manesis Trio & Orquestra do Norte feat. Joana Espadinha

spyros manesis trio & orquestra do norte

A new musical project created by Spyros Manesis Trio had the opportunity to be performed for the first time on August 03 2014. What an amazing experience! Spyros Manesis Trio featuring the symphonic orchestra Orquestra do Norte and the singer Joana Espadinha.

The concerto program includes original compositions written by the Trio’s musicians and also songs of Chico Buarque, Tom Jobim e John Lennon specially arranged for this projecto by Spyros Manesis and Andreas Tselikas who conducted the orchestra.

We are willing to continue this project with other orchestras around Europe, more information will be available here: PT ENG

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Oil paiting

Curso Pintura

I recently started to study Oil Painting at Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes. It is good to be an Art student again.

Some of the drawings I have made…:

Pintura Pintura

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Helen Beatrix Potter

H Beatrix PotterH Beatrix PotterH Beatrix Potter

I’m a big a fan of Helen Beatrix Potter’s work! As I kid I used to love to watch a cartoon show with her animated drawings. I appreciated everything: the drawings, the characters and the stories.

The opening credits of the show are available online for us to remember :)


Joao’s new album is released!

Joao’s most recent album is now available – “Truth Has To Be Given In Riddles”. I took of the cover artwork, which I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I know you’ll enjoy the music!

Capa_Truth Has To Be Given In Riddles Interior1_Truth Has To Be Given In Riddles

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sobre um blog

Subtrative Colors Blog

Chegou o blog de Subtractive Colors e chegaram também as gravações do projecto. Trata-se de um grupo para o qual comecei a trabalhar há pouco tempo e que já é muito querido.

Estre projecto já se apresentou ao vivo, mas guardamos novidades para breve porque depois destas gravações está por vir o lançamento do seu primeiro disco! Por isso fiquem atentos :)

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J. Hevelius

Johannes Hevelius morreu no dia em que festejava os seus 76 anos, em 1687.

Conheci-o há pouco tempo, porque usamos algum do seu trabalho gráfico nas colagens digitais que fizemos para a capa do João.

A paixão pela astronomia levou este senhor a construir uma base de dados e de desenhos incrível.

Entre o mapa topográfico da lua…:

Ficheiro:Hevelius Map of the Moon 1647.jpg

in Selenographia, sive Lunae descriptio (1647)

… Hevelius desenvolveu também um lindo atlas, Firmamentum Sobiescianum (1690), impresso na sua própria casa, que contém 1564 estelas e muitas figuras mitológicas associadas às suas constelações.
Aqui ficam duas páginas deste seu livro e outras imagens (das quais nos apropriamos) podem ser vistas na cópia física da capa do próximo disco do João:
